Friday, October 26, 2012


I place at your feet
The essence of my earth
The flavor of my heart
Consecrated in holy words
Flowered rituals at doorsteps
A blessing from God’s store
With fire, water and iron
Companions four of man
To make water holy
To preserve my love
And cleanse pain
I have sown my path
In altered piles
Praying in desert places
And hidden in the cleft
I should not look back
At things that did me harm
For I have been brought
My despair purchased
At the edge of dark
And what was once unsavory
Has becomes fit for your table

© NP 10/26/12

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Sometimes, sometimes
I wake up and not know
Who I am, just that I are
The lights of the day
Shine on my pillows through
Skylights in the roof
Warming my feet at
The head of the board

Sometimes, just sometimes
I put my fingers in my heart
Searching for some sense
Of what I am missing
Of what used to be there
When you were in it
Keeping my pieces from
Falling through the wholes

Sometimes and oftimes                                                                                                                                                               
I cry into my blankets
When I think I hear your voice
Or even hear the phone ring
But it is not real
No more real than feeling
Your arms wrapped around mine
Or your kiss on my lips

Sometimes and this time
At the eve of yesterday
I am greatfilled that you
Do not fault me for my sins
And in the dimming of
A new life under new skies
I have a chance to be friends
With my best friend

© NP 10/20/12

Friday, October 5, 2012

Sleep... Palindrome

Languishing and bereft 
Days stretching into months 
Flights across blue skies 
Yours into mine 
Fingers searching for fingers 
Arms resting within 
Covered and protected 
Protected and covered 
Within resting arms 
Fingers for searching fingers 
Mine into yours 
Skies blue across flights 
Months into stretching days 
Bereft and languishing 

© NP 03/11

Distant Lover...Palindrome

Felt dreams as
Called cyan
Drunken love
Kiss to flesh
Heart to hand
Tattooed passion burning
Galvanizing heat into lonely
Memory distant
Distance hazy
Horizon’s mountain horizontal
Far and farway
Again return here
Submerged oasis of longing
Longing of oasis submerged
Here return again
Faraway and far
Horizontal mountain’s horizon
Hazy distance
Distant memory
Lonely into heat galvanizing
Burning passion tattooed
Hand to heart
Flesh to kiss
Love drunken
Cyan called
As dreams felt

(c) NP 07/10

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


It all started with a puff of weed 
From one to another passed round 
Mindful to not catch a hot seed 
That makes you spit out on the ground 

From one to another passed round 
A joint, spliff or mary jane to share 
That makes you spit out on the ground 
Watching for the stems with care 

A joint, spliff or mary jane to share 
Puff and pass, huff then exhale 
Watching for the stems with care 
This was the best that was for sale 

Puff and pass, huff then exhale 
Mindful to not catch a hot seed 
This was the best that was for sale 
It all started with a puff of weed 

© NP 5/09